The New York State Council supports the Region 1 Student Member Support Committee and continues to search for volunteers to assist that Committee with their efforts to provide support to civil engineering students at colleges and universities throughout Region 1. For more information regarding the Region 1 Committee go to the Region 1 Contacts Page.
A list of Student Chapters within New York State is locate on the STUDENT CHAPTERS page.
New York State Council sponsored award
STUDENT CHAPTER AWARD in Memory of Otto W. Maatsch
The New York State Council recognizes demonstrated dedication to ongoing and regular Civil Engineering activities consistent with ASCE principles by an ASCE Student Chapter with the presentation of the “Student Chapter Award in Memory of Otto W. Maatsch” to a Student Chapter within the New York State Council.
Region 1 Grants Program
Section and Student Chapter grants are available from ASCE Region 1. Detailed information and a link to the Grant Application are on the Region 1 website at https://regions.asce.org/region1/awards